Τρίτη 3 Απριλίου 2012

Advantages of Migrating to the Cloud

Since the idea of cloud computing first surfaced a few years ago, cloud applications have only gotten better, and many are indistinguishable from their desktop counterparts. There are a number of benefits to cloud applications, which is why so many businesses are moving, at least in part, to this model.

Better Access

One of the primary reasons that companies find cloud computing so appealing is because of its portability across systems. Cloud applications generally work the same on Windows, iOS, and Linux systems and can, in many cases, be accessed from mobile devices. This gives business professionals more control over how and when they access applications, and is especially advantageous to companies with remote offices or at-home employees.

Less Support

Cloud applications allow IT professionals to spend less time on software maintenance. Hosted cloud solutions do not need to be configured or upgraded, and there is no need to back up application data. Many costly and complex administration tasks can be completely eliminated.

Increased Usability

Many desktop applications are based on legacy software that focuses on functionality at the expense of usability. Because cloud applications were developed later, they can take advantage of advances in programming and architecture and generally offer a better user experience.

Decreased Cost

Buying software, upgrades, and support from vendors can be expensive, and some software systems may be beyond the budget of smaller companies. Cloud computing, on the other hand, offers software as a service (SaaS) on a month-by-month plan that is often less expensive than maintaining desktop software. This gives small businesses an opportunity to have access to the same programs as large enterprises.

Easier Integration

Many cloud-based applications offer viable API integration with freely available APIs, which is a big weakness of traditional, desktop software.

Superior Service

When companies only have contact with software vendors at best once a year, it can be difficult to get needed support and program fixes. Cloud-based software generally benefits from a vigorous schedule of automatically-deployed upgrades and bug fixes, which means that companies consistently have access to a better-quality product.

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